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Mom to Angel Melissa Platt
I light this candle in memory of your beloved Chelsea on her Angel Day, God Bless you...
Terry Sanfilippo
I see your beautiful smile look at me every day as I begin my work day. My family was blessed to have known you such a short time!
Tiffany Nelson
Looking back on it, I wish I would have spent more time getting to know you. I missed you by 2 weeks, when I moved back up here :(
Carol~ Chelsea's Mom
My sweet baby, your first Angel Day is almost here. I miss you every sec of every day. I look forward to the day I will see you.
Leslie~Shelly's mom
As the first year appraoches Carol I know how much you hurt. Knowing you are not alone I hopes gives you strength.
Mom to Angel Justin Lindley
Lighting a candle today for your beautiful angel Chelsea! Warm your family's heart today with sweet memories of you.
Kalynne's Mommy
A candle for your precious angel Chelsea May it burn bright forever and always in her sweet memory Happy Early Birthday Chelsea
Kristine ~ mom/angel Nick
Chelsea, what a beautiful shining star you are. You are dancing with my Nick. Ur the date 4 a prom in heaven. Eternal luv 2 u.
Lauren Orth
Chelsea was truly an angel among us who added much grace and beauty to this world, now to heaven. Her life-a blessing to us all!
Lana Vedell
Your precious life was more than an heirloom to our family, but now our heavenly Father is taking care of you.
U will forever by in our hearts and the pageant world is going to miss your beautiful smile. Your New Hope Pageant family misses U
Leslie~Shelly's mom
Carol, I know that Christams is so hard. I am close by and anytime you need to talk or get together remmeber I totally understand
Total Candles: 87
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